The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development is all about taking care of our needs today without ruining the future for the future generations. The United Nations Sustainable Development goals aim for exactly this. They cover three main areas, these being: climate and environment, economic and social conditions. To cover all these areas, the UN has come up with 17 specific goals, with 169 subgoals. You can see the 17 main goals in the image below.

Bilderesultat for united nations sustainable development goals

All of the Sustainable Development Goals acts independently of each other and all of them are very important. However, there are goals that I personally think are a little more important than the rest. Goals such as the 4th and the 6th. I think that these goals are especially important.

If we can give a quality education to people all around the world in developing countries, they might be able to take more care of themselves and act more independent. Education is key to make people more aware of what is happening around them. When people become aware that there are problems which threaten us today, they will be wanting to take action in order to change the course of these problems. This is why I think the 4th goal is so important.

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”

-Brigham Young

Freshwater is crucial for the survival of humans, therefore we have to improve our infrastructure in order to give it to everybody. There is enough freshwater on the planet to support everybody, we just do not have the sufficient economy and we lack the infrastructure. We have already made improvements to sanitary needs and toilets, but we are far from the end destination.

I love the Earth, and if we are going to keep it, something must be done. It is ambitious for the United Nations to set the goals for 2030, but it is not impossible. With the proper communication and cooperation, the Earth might just be able to withstand our needs and the next generations needs altogether.

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